Tuesday, June 28, 2011

the summer before life began

Soo apologies to the, wait let's see 20, 38 add four, maybe one person that reads this blog. :) This past year has been super crazy and lots of things were going on so I wasn't able to keep up with my blogging. I definitely did not stop making cakes, I think I would die if I ever did. So enjoy these cakes from the summer before the rest of my life.
Here's the thing. I have these two really great friends and everyone jokes that they're twins. It just so happens that I had made a cake for Dallas who had an earlier birthday but in my true fashion I didn't have it done it time. I took advantage of the fact they're twins and got them both done on Shannon's birthday... its fine.
Don't they look like twins???
FIRST TWO TIER CAKE! I love, love, love this cake. I was soo stressed out about making it perfect and was so afraid that I would have my first cake disaster and it would collapse of something. Luckily nothing happened and it worked out great for the little girl I used to babysit's birthday party!
I can't believe she's already twelve!

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