Tuesday, June 28, 2011

roommates, crazyness, sisters, love

This is a cake I made for my roommates birthday! As you can see in the background we also decorated the whole apartment with balloons and streamers (yes, yes she does have the best roommates ever). She's a dancing major at SUU so thats why I put a dancer on her cake along with her favorite color.

This little gem here is Bob Marley. My other roommate is in love with him, as am I, so it was only fitting that her cake show him on there with the classic colors in the background.

Alright, this one is definitely unfinished but I wanted to show it cause its one of my favorite ideas. My idea was to make three different cake "cupcakes". I wanted to do this because I felt like on three cakes I could show all the many sides of me through sports, creativity, and education. I'm sad I couldn't finish it but I'm definitely going to use that idea a ton so if you like it I can make one just for you. :)
In college I joined the sorority, Alpha Phi. I love my sisters and I'm so excited for Rush this next year so I decided to make a cake showing all the Rush colors. This one was soo much fun to make because it was the first time that I used gum paste. Basically its a better tasting version of fondant and it was surprisingly easier to work with as well so I'm definitely going to use it more!
Can't wait for Rush 2011!!

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