Thursday, November 10, 2011

the goal: do lots of cakes at once!

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE cakes! It's getting to be a really big problem because I really should be doing things like.... homework instead of making cakes and Gold's Gym is going to make a killing off of me for the rest of my life. This last two cakes I was really excited to make. They were for Alpha Phi's C.O.B. initiation class. C.O.B. means Continuous Open Bid, basically it means that its for the initiates who didn't get initiated at formal rush. I seriously love all the girls that got initiated and I'm really glad we have that program because they're AMAZING! But one of the initiates, she really is great and I love her, but she was bugging me for like two weeks to make her a Harry Potter cake for her initiation. And I'm glad she did cause the more you annoy me the more likely I am to make you a cake, probably shouldn't put that online cause I have a feeling I'm gonna get annoyed a lot now. Anyways I had a couple extra cake mixes left over in my stash and I needed to use them. Another good reason to use them is it was on my list. I made a list of goals I need to reach with my cakes and making a lot at once was on it as wellllll as:
1. Use fondant on every other cake you use.
2. Make more wedding cakes!!
3. Start doing three layers more often.
4. Do sculpture cake! **
5. Make an average of ten cakes per month

This is all I've got for now but I'll definitely be adding more to this list. But I'm super excited about this list espcially #4 cause this one will be coming soon!!!

But for now you'll just have to see my doing cakes a lot at once. I did three at once. I learned a lot from doing this and mainly that it's a TON easier to do a lot at once.... meaning I should probably just quit school and open my own shop cause it'd be a lot easier to make cakes.
But here they are!!

This one was the Harry Potter cake. I still wanted it to be Alpha Phi related so I decided to go with the colors of Gryffindor and then make a spellbook where you can recite the spell "AOE" and poof! You're initiated!!! Cheesy but still creative so go with it.

The second one was for all the initiates. I put all their names around the edge of the cake so it was a lot more personal then made our letters out of gumpaste! Seriously though, I love all our new initiates and I'm so excited they now know all the secrets of Alpha Phi. Love and AOE!!

The third cake I don't have a picture of because I stopped half-way through.... I know I didn't really reach my goal but I'll make up for it next time. :)

Friday, September 30, 2011

the goal: get faster

I've recently started setting goals for myself because that's the only way I'll really get better at cake decorating. My first goal is to get faster at making cakes that way I can make a lot more cakes for all of you!
College football season has begun and Southern Utah University is killing it!!
This is a cake I made for my friend's twenty first birthday! It was a surprise so I didn't get to ask her what she wanted on it but I was inspired by her bedspread.
The top view of the cake.
Yeah SUU dominated over UNLV!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

roommates, crazyness, sisters, love

This is a cake I made for my roommates birthday! As you can see in the background we also decorated the whole apartment with balloons and streamers (yes, yes she does have the best roommates ever). She's a dancing major at SUU so thats why I put a dancer on her cake along with her favorite color.

This little gem here is Bob Marley. My other roommate is in love with him, as am I, so it was only fitting that her cake show him on there with the classic colors in the background.

Alright, this one is definitely unfinished but I wanted to show it cause its one of my favorite ideas. My idea was to make three different cake "cupcakes". I wanted to do this because I felt like on three cakes I could show all the many sides of me through sports, creativity, and education. I'm sad I couldn't finish it but I'm definitely going to use that idea a ton so if you like it I can make one just for you. :)
In college I joined the sorority, Alpha Phi. I love my sisters and I'm so excited for Rush this next year so I decided to make a cake showing all the Rush colors. This one was soo much fun to make because it was the first time that I used gum paste. Basically its a better tasting version of fondant and it was surprisingly easier to work with as well so I'm definitely going to use it more!
Can't wait for Rush 2011!!

the summer before life began

Soo apologies to the, wait let's see 20, 38 add four, maybe one person that reads this blog. :) This past year has been super crazy and lots of things were going on so I wasn't able to keep up with my blogging. I definitely did not stop making cakes, I think I would die if I ever did. So enjoy these cakes from the summer before the rest of my life.
Here's the thing. I have these two really great friends and everyone jokes that they're twins. It just so happens that I had made a cake for Dallas who had an earlier birthday but in my true fashion I didn't have it done it time. I took advantage of the fact they're twins and got them both done on Shannon's birthday... its fine.
Don't they look like twins???
FIRST TWO TIER CAKE! I love, love, love this cake. I was soo stressed out about making it perfect and was so afraid that I would have my first cake disaster and it would collapse of something. Luckily nothing happened and it worked out great for the little girl I used to babysit's birthday party!
I can't believe she's already twelve!